Should Cattle Yards Have a Circular Forcing Pen?

Nathan Frater
August 29, 2024
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Building a new yard? You’ll want to consider the different options for forcing and the Circular No-Trip option is (in our opinion) the best possible solution.

The Circular Forcing Pen is designed to be safe, especially for individuals working alone in the cattle yards. Its design promotes an efficient flow, enabling cattle to move smoothly and swiftly through the race.

Unlike traditional funnel-shaped pens, the circular design fosters a more intuitive movement for the cattle.

Ours stands out because it avoids any ground obstructions. Instead of overhead and ground bracing, we use a circular forcing post embedded deep into the concrete.

This method not only ensures the post's stability but also negates the need for any bracing on the ground or overhead. Consequently, there are no tripping hazards for either the operator or the cattle. This clean design is a marked preference for many, in contrast to yards cluttered with ground bracing.

Obstructionless Forcing Circle

We’ve removed all Overhead and On Ground Bracing within our Forcing Circles. Why? In this area of the yards, the last thing you need is cattle tripping as they enter the race. 

Embedded Centre Pivot

We bury the Forcing Gate Post 1m deep in the concrete and also fill it to the brim with concrete. This ensures absolute strength and also means that we don’t need ground or overhead braces that can create a trip hazard.

Non-Stock Working Area

As the operator, you're located behind the Forcing Gate pushing cattle up the race. If you ever operate the yards alone, this safety bonus is worth every cent.

We also design our Commercial Yards so that the Forcing Pen directly meets up with our non-stock working area.

Up to 20 Individual Locking Points

Depending on the yard design, each Forcing Circle has between 18-20 locking points throughout the circle.

R270 Bent Gates

All Entry Gates and Gates between pens are all R270 degree gates. This means all gates fold back 270 degrees compared with the common and restrictive 90-degree (R90) gates. 

The R270 gates are a great assist for drafting stock back into the forcing circle when needing to run stock back through the race.

Beefed Up Panels

We've added a 7th rail to the panels that line the Forcing Circle given the high intensity nature of this part of a set of yards. 7 rails of beefy 66 x 47mm deep rails at 2.1mm. 

And of course there is a Lifetime Warranty on the Strength of these bad boys.

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