In this blog, we’ll look at the cost of a loading ramp and the situations in which would you need one.
How much does it cost to include a Loading Ramp & why do I need one?
Well, usually $3,500+GST gets you one of our MAXXUS Loading Ramps.
Do you need a Loading Ramp?
Well there are typically two instances where you don’t need a Loading Ramp and that is a) if you opt for home-kill or b) if your site is set up for a loading bank (i.e. your yards are situated on a rise which a stock truck can back up to).
In most other cases you’ll need a loading ramp.
Our MAXXUS Loading Ramp has been designed to cater to your typical lifestyle farmer - you may need to load the back of a ute, or perhaps a trailer, or a proper stock truck. Due to the height-adjustable design, you can load pretty much anything!
The ramp has a range of height settings, so there really isn’t a scenario where you’ll get caught out!
Click the Video Below to View our Height-adjustable MAXXUS Loading Ramp
Another key feature of our MAXXUS Loading Ramp is the hardwood timber flooring that we use.
The timber flooring provides a grippier surface than sheet steel, and is ‘softer’ under foot for your stock when they’re walking up or down the ramp.
We’ve used sheet steel in the past but found it to be too slippery and foreign for your cattle and sheep under foot.
Lastly, we’ve made sure the ramp is sheep and calf friendly by keeping the rail spacings nice and tight where it counts. The last thing you want is a cattle beast or sheep trying to jump out of your ramp on the way up or down!